"나노 탄소재료의 상용화를 위한 연구를 수행합니다. 현재 주요 연구 분야는 탄소나노튜브(carbon nanotube, CNT)의 합성과 CNT 섬유 제조입니다."
■ 연구분야
. 탄소나노튜브 섬유 방사 및 후처리 공정
. 탄소나노튜브 섬유 물성
. 탄소나노튜브 합성
■ 학력
. 포항공과대학교 화학공학과 공학박사 (2015)
. 포항공과대학교 화학공학과 학사 (2009)
■ 경력
. 한국과학기술연구원 전북분원 복합소재기술연구소, 박사후 연구원 (2015 ? 2018)
. Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 박사후 연구원 (2018 ? 2019).
■ 연구실적
1. Seongeom Jeong, Boram Gu, Subi Choi, Suk-kyun Ahn, Jaegeun Lee, Jieun Lee, Sanghyun Jeong, Engineered multi-scale roughness of carbon nanofiller-embedded 3D printed spacers for membrane distillation, WATER RESEARCH, 231, 119649, (2023/03), SCIE
2. Song Hyeongyun, Kim Dong Hwan, Park Cheol Woo, Jae Jungho, Hong Seungki, Lee Jaegeun, Statistical analysis of the synthesis of carbon nanotubes using wet-impregnated catalysts for improved robustness, CARBON LETTERS, 25(3), 921, (2023/05), SCIE
1. Jaegyun Im, Dong-Myeong Lee, Jaegeun Lee, Analysis of Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes in m-Cresol, MATERIALS, 15(11), 3777, (2022/06), SCIE
2. Siyoung Byun, Jieun Lee, Jaegeun Lee, Sanghyun Jeong, Reusable carbon nanotube-embedded polystyrene/polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous sorbent for managing oil spills, DESALINATION, 537, 115865, (2022/09), SCIE
1. Dong-Myeong Lee, Junbeom Park, Jaegeun Lee, Sung-Hyun Lee, Shin-Hyun Kim, Seung Min Kim and Hyeon Su Jeong, "Improving mechanical and physical properties of ultra-thick carbon nanotube fiber by fast swelling and stretching process", Carbon, 172, 733-741 (2021/02) SCIE
2. Haemin Lee, Dong-Myeong Lee, Cheol-Hun Lee, Jaegeun Lee, Kun-Hong Lee, Determining the isotropic cloud point of carbon nanotube/chlorosulfonic acid solution using UV-vis-nIR absorbance saturation behavior, CARBON, 173(0), 782, (2021/03), SCIE
3. Golnaz Tomaraei, Jaegeun Lee, Moataz Abdulhafez, Mostafa Bedewy, Reducing Variability in Chemical Vapor Deposition of Carbon Nanotubes Based On Gas Purification and Sample Support Redesign, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 9(1), 011002-1, (2021/03), SCIE
4. Chil Hyoung Lee , Go Bong Choi , Eun Mi Kim , Jongho Lee , Jaegeun Lee , Hi Gyu Moon , Myung Jong Kim , Yoong Ahm Kim , Tae Hoon Seo, Gas Barrier Performance of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Monolayers Grown on Copper Foils with Electrochemical Polishing, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 11(10), 4599, (2021/05), SCIE
5. Jaegeun Lee, Golnaz Najaf Tomaraei, Moataz Abdulhafez, Mostafa Bedewy, Boosting Catalytic Lifetime in Chemical Vapor Deposition of Carbon Nanotubes by Rapid Thermal Pretreatment of Alumina-Supported Metal Nanocatalysts, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 33(16), 6277, (2021/08), SCIE
6. Haemin Lee, Hyunjung Cho, Sung-Hyun Lee, Dong-Myeong Lee, Eugene Oh, Jaegeun Lee, Kun-Hong Lee, Estimating carbon nanotube length from isotropic cloud point of carbon nanotube/chlorosulfonic acid solutions, CARBON, 182(0), 185, (2021/09), SCIE
7. Haemin Lee, Jinhwan Park, Hyunjung Cho, Jaegeun Lee, Kun-Hong Lee, Investigation of shear-induced rearrangement of carbon nanotube bundles using Taylor-Couette flow, RSC Advances, 11(60), 38152, (2021/11), SCIE
8. Haemin Lee, Jinhwan Park, Hyunjung Cho, Jaegeun Lee, Kun-Hong Lee, Investigation of shear-induced rearrangement of carbon nanotube bundles using Taylor-Couette flow, RSC Advances, 11(60), 38152, (2021/11), SCIE
1. Abdulhafez, Moataz, Jaegeun Lee, and Mostafa Bedewy, "In Situ Measurement of Carbon Nanotube Growth Kinetics in a Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor With Multizone Infrared Heating", Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 8.1, 010902 (2020/03)
1. Jaegeun Lee, Moataz Abdulhafez, and Mostafa Bedewy*, “Multizone rapid thermal processing to overcome challenges in carbon nanotube manufacturing by chemical vapor deposition”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 141, 091006 (2019). SCIE
2. Jaegeun Lee†, Dong-Myeong Lee†, Yeonsu Jung†, Junbeom Park, Hun Su Lee, Young-Kwan Kim, Chong Rae Park*, Hyeon Su Jeong*, and Seung Min Kim*, “Direct spinning and densification method for high-performance carbon nanotube fibers”, Nature Communications, 10, 2962 (2019). SCI
3. Jaegeun Lee, Moataz Abdulhafez, and Mostafa Bedewy*, “Data analytics enables significant improvement of robustness in chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes based on vacuum baking”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 11999-12009 (2019). SCI
4. Cheol-Hun Lee†, Jaegeun Lee†, Junbeom Park, Eunyoung Lee, Seung Min Kim*, and Kun-Hong Lee*, “Rationally designed catalyst layer toward “immortal” growth of carbon nanotube forest: Fe ion implanted substrates”, Carbon, 152, 482-488 (2019). SCI
5. Junbeom Park, Jaegeun Lee, Dong-Myeong Lee, Sung-Hyun Lee, Hyeon Su Jeong, Kun-Hong Lee, and Seung Min Kim*, “Mathematical model for the dynamic mechanical behavior of carbon nanotube yarn in analogy with hierarchically structured bio-material”, Carbon, 152, 151-158 (2019). SCI
6. Dong-Jin Yun, Hyemin Ra, Jung-Min Kim, Eugene Oh, Jaegeun Lee, Myoung-Ho Jeong, Yong Jin Jeong, Hansol Yang, and Jaeyoung Jang*, “Multi-walled carbon nanotube forests covered with atomic-layer-deposited ruthenium layers for high-performance counter electrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells”, Organic Electronics, 65, 349-356 (2019). SCI
7. Lee, Jaegeun, Moataz Abdulhafez, and Mostafa Bedewy, "Decoupling Catalyst Dewetting, Gas Decomposition, and Surface Reactions in Carbon Nanotube Forest Growth Reveals Dependence of Density on Nucleation Temperature" The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123.47, 28726-28738 (2019/11), SCI
1. Sung-Hyun Lee*, Hye-Rim Kim, Haemin Lee, Jinwoo Lee, Cheol-Hun Lee, Jaegeun Lee, Junbeom Park, and Kun-Hong Lee*, “Synthesis Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube Fibers using Reactor Design Principles”, Chemical Engineering Science, 192, 655-664 (2018). SCI
2. Hyunjung Cho, Kyeong Sik Jin, Jaegeun Lee*, and Kun-Hong Lee*, “Estimation of degree of polymerization of poly-acrylonitrile-grafted carbon nanotubes using Guinier plot of small angle x-ray scattering”, Nanotechnology, 29, 275708 (2018). SCI
1. Sung-Hyun Lee*, Hye-Rim Kim, Taeseon Lee, Haemin Lee, Jinwoo Lee, Jaegeun Lee, Junbeom Park, and Kun-Hong Lee*, “Synthesis of carbon nanotube fibers from carbon precursors with low decomposition temperatures using a direct spinning process”, Carbon, 124, 219-227 (2017). SCI
2. Jaegeun Lee†, Dong-Myeong Lee†, Young-Kwan Kim, Hyeon Su Jeong*, and Seung Min Kim*, “Significantly Increased Solubility of Carbon Nanotubes in Superacid by Oxidation and Their Assembly into High-Performance Fibers”, Small, 13, 1701131 (2017) (†equal contributor). SCI
3. Cheol-Hun Lee†, Jaegeun Lee†, Sunmog Yeo, Sung-Hyun Lee, Teawon Kim, Hyeon-Gu Cha, Youngmoo Eun, Hyun Jin Park, Seung Min Kim*, and Kun-Hong Lee*, “Evolution of implanted Fe ions in SiO2/Si wafer into uniformly sized catalyst particles for carbon nanotube forest growth”, Carbon, 123, 122-128 (2017) (†equal contributor). SCI
4. Yong-O Im, Sung-Hyun Lee, Sung-Uk Yu, Jaegeun Lee*, and Kun-Hong Lee, “Quantitative analysis of carbon nanotube cross-linking reactions”, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34, 898-902 (2017). SCIE
5. Junbeom Park, Sung-Hyun Lee, Jaegeun Lee, Dong-Myeong Lee, Hayoung Yu, Hyeon Su Jeong, Seung Min Kim*, and Kun-Hong Lee*, “Accurate Measurement of Specific Tensile Strength of Carbon Nanotube Fibers with Hierarchical Structures by Vibroscopic method”, RSC Advances, 7, 8575-8580 (2017). SCIE
6. Yong-O Im, Sung-Hyun Lee, Teawon Kim, Junbeom Park, Jaegeun Lee*, and Kun-Hong Lee*, “Utilization of carboxylic functional groups generated during purification of carbon nanotube fiber for its strength improvement”, Applied Surface Science, 392, 342-349 (2017). SCI